40 young people from the area of Spissky Hrhov, in the Spis region of Slovakia participated in a three-day training on Social and Financial Education skills. They were led through a process of participative and experiential learning and dived into the topics of important finance management skills and also into the possibilities of social activism and community work.

Teamwork, positive attitude, strengthening their creativity and focusing on opportunities to become an active citizen as well as accepting diversity and otherness were the skills that the training focused on.
Funds for the implementation of activities, which aim to contribute to the improvement of life skills of young people, are provided through the implementation of the project Action for Roma Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Empowerment – ACT4ROM.
The project is implemented by the Medunarodno udruzenje “Interaktivne otvorene skole” (MIOS) Tuzla in cooperation with partner organizations of the project: Partnere per Femijet – Albania, Pomoc deci – Serbia, Skola dokorán- WOS n.o. – Slovakia.
The project is implemented under the Erasmus + program and is funded by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture, which operates under the authority delegated by the European Commission.