22 young people from the area of Kiseljak, Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina, took part during the three-day training "Life Skills and Financial Literacy". Kiseljak is a rural area, where there are 3 Roma settlements.
The young people pointed out that they enjoyed their work, during all three days of training. Some of them are already community activists and run a community drama club.
It is important to mention that the participants, after the training, pointed out that certain forms of work and methods they used during the training, applied after the training in the process of regular education to facilitate learning and understanding of the content.
Funds for the implementation of activities, which aim to contribute to the improvement of life skills of young people, are provided through the implementation of the project Action for Roma Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Empowerment - ACT4ROM.
The project is implemented by the Medunarodno udruzenje "Interaktivne otvorene skole" (MIOS) Tuzla in cooperation with partner organizations of the project: Partnere per Femijet - Albania, Pomoc deci - Serbia, Skola dokorán- WOS n.o. - Slovakia.
The project is implemented under the Erasmus + program and is funded by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture, which operates under the authority delegated by the European Commission.