15th and 16 th February, 2022, in Tuzla, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, in the premises of the Međunarodno udruženje "Interaktivne otvorene škole" (MIOS) Tuzla was held an international meeting of partner organizations of the project "Action for Roma Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Empowerment - ACT4ROM".
The meeting was attended by representatives of partner organizations from Serbia, Pomoć deci, Slovakia, Wide Open School - Škola Dokoran, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Međunarodno udruženje "Interaktivne otvorene škole" (MIOS) Tuzla and from Albania, Partnere per Femijet.

During the two-day meeting, the partners, from the 4 partner countries of the project, discussed the circumstances and current measures in accordance with the global epidemic of Covid 19, which could potentially affect the realization of the planned activities.
Then, the activities that were realized in the past period, lessons learned and aspects that can be improved were discussed.
In accordance with the planned time plan for the implementation of the project activities, the activities that will be carried out in the period until June 2022 have been agreed upon.
In the coming period, a six-day training for youth workers is planned in Košice, Slovakia, as well as a five-day youth exchange in the city of Elbasan, Albania.
Potential dates for the realization of upcoming activities were agreed upon.
The next meeting of the partners is planned during the implementation period of the six-day training in Košice, Slovakia.
The project is implemented under the Erasmus + program and is funded by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture, which operates under the authority delegated by the European Commission.