Three-day training in Breške, Tuzla Canton (BiH): “Life skills and financial literacy”

On dates 18th and 19th, November and 3rd December, 2021,  three-day training for young people on the topic "Life Skills and Financial Literacy" was realized.

During the three-day training, a total of 23 young people from the area of Tuzla Canton, aged 13 to 16, took part.

Through experiential and interactive work, young people had the opportunity to work on improving existing and developing new life skills needed for future life. Some of the participants had the opportunity to find their own motivation for activism in the community. The work during the three-day training made a great contribution to improving the self-confidence of the participants, then to weakening the fear of public speaking, developing teamwork skills and accepting diversity, as well as raising awareness of their own strengths and skills.

The aspect of awareness of the responsibility that every right we enjoy as living beings brings with it was especially emphasized.

From the aspect of financial literacy, in general, the participants pointed out that they were aware of new ways of saving money, as well as spending, and that they learned how to organize their time and plan obligations in accordance with available material and time resources.

It is important to mention that the participants, after the training, pointed out that certain forms of work and methods they used during the training, applied after the training in the process of regular education to facilitate learning and understanding of the content.

From the aspect of youth activism, analysis of community needs during the three-day training, as one of the tasks in practice, young people have designed activities that in accordance with the available resources they want to carry out in the coming period.

Funds for the implementation of activities, which aim to contribute to the improvement of life skills of young people, are provided through the implementation of the project Action for Roma Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Empowerment - ACT4ROM.

The project is implemented by the Medunarodno udruzenje "Interaktivne otvorene skole" (MIOS) Tuzla in cooperation with partner organizations of the project: Partnere per Femijet - Albania, Pomoc deci - Serbia, Skola dokorán- WOS n.o. - Slovakia.

The project is implemented under the Erasmus + program and is funded by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture, which operates under the authority delegated by the European Commission.

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